“Competitive strategy is about being different. It means deliberately choosing a different set of activities to deliver a unique mix of value.” – Michael Porter


Competitive Strategy

At Riverwater Partners, we believe that incorporating a responsible investment lens enhances traditional value investing. This approach promotes resilience, captures inefficiencies, and improves return potential. As it relates to value investing, we define Value as paying a fair price for the responsible deployment of physical, human, and financial capital in pursuit of superior returns. Our process is thoughtfully executed through a unique blend of stewardship, security selection, and portfolio construction.


Enhancing Value Investing Through Deliberately Different Portfolio Construction


Riverwater’s portfolio construction is a collaborative process that values diverse perspectives, requiring unanimous agreement for buy/sell decisions. We focus on investing in companies whose value is underappreciated by the market and holding them as they mature through the small- to mid-cap spectrum. This approach is designed to reduce turnover and volatility. The focused portfolio requires discipline to choose the best companies in each sector relative to each strategies’ defined benchmark.  Stock selection drives nearly all relative performance. This approach minimizes idiosyncratic risks while staying aware of macroeconomic factors. All components of portfolio construction are designed without regard to outwardly-defined style boxes. Our deliberately different method seeks to capitalize on our definition of value toward the realization of our clients’ real world and financial objectives. Riverwater Partners | Responsible Investing | Milwaukee | Small Cap Equity Strategies

Discovering Superior Businesses & Exceptional Management Teams

Riverwater consistently applies its The Three Pillar Approach™, the foundation for evaluating each investment candidate. Our research uncovers opportunities in superior businesses that leverage their competitive advantages and are led by exceptional management teams with a proven history of prudent capital allocation and alignment with shareholders. We invest in companies trading below their long-term intrinsic value, focusing on unique, high-quality assets in each sector aiming to generate superior returns and maximize downside protection.

Making the World a Better Place

Our mission is “to make the world a better place by growing wealth through sustainable investing.” Through this lens, and as fiduciaries, we consider portfolio candidates’ attention to environmental, social, and governance factors because the risks and opportunities posed by the ever-changing world have the potential to materially (positively/negatively) impact portfolio returns. Using a proprietary database dedicated to small- and mid-cap companies, we exploit inefficiencies in the nascent journeys of small-cap companies to discover opportunities. Additionally, we engage with companies toward improvement on salient ESG factors. Materiality matters. We exclude industries that, in our view, are not essential for global prosperity. The accompanying map illustrates that climate risk is omnipresent.

Riverwater Partners | ESG | Responsible Investing | Wealth Management | Milwaukee | Madison

NY Times Climate Risk Map, March 25, 2021

Yet, unlike many responsible investors, we consider fossil fuel indispensable and invest in energy companies focused on reducing their environmental footprint and/or facilitating the transition to cleaner energy solutions. Simultaneously, we favor companies whose business by their very nature offers a societal or environmental benefit.


The information herein is for educational and informational purposes only. It does not constitute investment advice and should not be relied on as such.  All investments include a risk of loss that clients should be prepared to bear.


Small-cap focused, founder-led and employee-owned boutique investment firm. We proudly invest alongside our clients. As a Certified B- Corp, Riverwater is committed to using business as a force for good.

Click here for more about our Asset Management Team.

Concentrated portfolios crafted by a team with a contrarian mindset to identify stocks with idiosyncratic drivers in pursuit of superior risk-adjusted returns. The team seeks to achieve alpha through security selection.

Click here for more about our small-cap strategies.

Riverwater takes a mindful approach to responsible investing, seeking unique opportunities in companies committed to transitioning toward a better, more sustainable world. Our foundational belief is that employing a responsible investment lens enhances resilience, captures inefficiencies, and improves return potential.

Click here for our Responsible Investment Process.