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TEST YOURSELF: How Would Your Company ESG?

As socially responsible or ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) advisors, Riverwater Partners understands that corporate social responsibility is a journey and not a destination. Individuals, businesses, and government entities all must continually adapt to new normals as the world changes. Climate change is a concept that first emerged, and then only in theory, roughly 50 years…

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ESG investors struggle to find the right balance in doing good – and solar panels show why

Marketwatch. August 24, 2021 The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued a stark warning this month that human-led warming from burning of fossil fuels is causing climate change and removing carbon emissions will cause warming to cease. That makes transitioning to renewable energy like solar power even more urgent. However, reports that China forced Uyghurs to work…

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2020 Sustainability Report

2020 Sustainability Report

Our 2020 Sustainability Report celebrates the power of resilience. Resilience not only allows people and the planet to respond to crisis, recover and thrive, it allows businesses to do so as well. We witnessed this in 2020 as many businesses that had a clear focus on environmental, social, and governance factors – keys to their resilience –…

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