Cindy Bohlen, CFA, is Director of ESG & Chief Mindfulness Officer at Riverwater Partners, which manages ESG strategies for institutions and individuals with a focus on small- and mid-cap stocks.
As socially responsible or ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) advisors, Riverwater Partners understands that corporate social responsibility is a journey and not a destination. Individuals, businesses, and government entities all must continually adapt to new normals as the world changes. Climate change is a concept that first emerged, and then only in theory, roughly 50 years…
Marketwatch. August 24, 2021 The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued a stark warning this month that human-led warming from burning of fossil fuels is causing climate change and removing carbon emissions will cause warming to cease. That makes transitioning to renewable energy like solar power even more urgent. However, reports that China forced Uyghurs to work…
Our 2020 Sustainability Report celebrates the power of resilience. Resilience not only allows people and the planet to respond to crisis, recover and thrive, it allows businesses to do so as well. We witnessed this in 2020 as many businesses that had a clear focus on environmental, social, and governance factors – keys to their resilience –…
Marketwatch. March 24, 2021. By Debbie Carlson 7 ways for ESG investors to profit from sustainable agriculture The original green sector — agriculture — hasn’t been on the radar for environmental, social and governance investors, given industrial agriculture’s heavy dependence on pesticides, fertilizers and genetically modified seeds. But ESG investors are turning their interest to…, March 11, 2021 By Cindy Bohlen Encouraging news arrived late last year about the fast growth of investments managed with attention to environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors. Seventeen trillion was the headline dollar figure in the latest biannual report from trade association US SIF, which tracks the responsible investing industry. Seventeen trillion represents…
At Riverwater, our work as “active owners” is intended to help bring to bear our clients’ values. In this way, active ownership is a natural extension of our efforts to make investment selections consistent with those values. At times, active ownership can also be a natural extension of our efforts to achieve a strong return…