A Guide to Sustainable Investing

Greg Wait featured in Purevant Living’s Person & Planet Fall 2022 magazine. Sustainable investing has become a widely accepted approach to generating competitive investment returns while having a positive global impact on people and planet. According to the US SIF Foundation, $17.1 trillion are in sustainable investment strategies as of the beginning of 2020, a…

Cindy Bohlen on Her CEO Journey Podcast

Listen as Riverwater’s Chief Mindfulness Officer, Cindy Bohlen, shares her journey into sustainable investing on the podcast Her CEO Journey: The Business Finance Podcast for Mission-Driven Women Entrepreneurs. 3 reasons why you should listen to the full episode: Discover how sustainability drives profitability. Learn how you can collaborate with your stakeholders to improve your sustainability.…

Riverwater Partners | ESG and Responsible Investing and Wealth Management in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Q3 2022 | Seventh Inning Stretch

Q3 2022 Market and Riverwater Strategies Update Stock and bond market volatility persisted in the third quarter as the Federal Reserve continued to respond to high inflation by raising the Fed Funds rate. So far in 2022, the Fed has increased rates by 300 basis points, from effectively 0% to 3%. The last time the…

People, Planet, Profit: Careers in Corporate Sustainability

Cindy Bohlen, Riverwater’s resident ESG expert, spoke with students at the business school and in sustainability programs at the University of Wisconsin – Madison.  UW-Madison Office of Sustainability. In case you missed it: “People, Planet, Profit: Careers in Corporate Sustainability.” Sept. 23, 2023. On Tuesday, September 13th, the Wisconsin School of Business and the Nelson…

DC Plans Slow to Adopt ESG Options

Greg Wait, Riverwater’s resident 401(k) expert, spoke with PLANSPONSOR and had some great suggestions how Defined Contribution or DC plans can respond to increasing demand by participants for ESG funds. PLANSPONSOR. Sept. 22, 2022. PLAN PARTICIPANTS CLAIM to want environmental, social and governance investment options in their defined contribution plan lineups. The Schroders 2022 U.S. Retirement Survey…

The Truth About Trying to Time the Stock Market

The Truth About Trying to Time the Stock Market Many investors convince themselves that they know the stock market is going to move one way or the other.  They have a “feeling” – a “hunch” – that drives their investment timing.  Here’s the deal:  the markets* are full of surprises and “feelings” have little to…

The Evolving Use of CIT Funds in 401(k) Plans

The Evolving Use of Collective Investment Trust Funds in 401(k) Plans By Greg Wait, CEBS. Originally posted in 401(k) Wire (subscription required) Aug. 22, 2022. Advisors and consultants are fielding questions from plan sponsors about potential liability for excessive fees. For example, recently a plan sponsor’s CFO told us their fiduciary insurance carrier included a…