Riverwater Partners | ESG / Responsible Investing and Wealth Management in Milwaukee Wisconsin

Q4 2022 | Coal for Christmas

Q4 2022 Market and Strategies Update There is a saying in the financial markets that the Fed will raise rates until it breaks something. This seems especially relevant today when the entire global economy moves trillions of dollars on the words of one-man, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell. Coal for Christmas The S&P 500 was…

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Q2 2022 | Grin and Bear It

Q2 2022 Market and Riverwater Strategies Update The volatility experienced in the first quarter of 2022 continued in the second quarter, with all major markets down for the first half of Q2 2022. The S&P 500 officially entered a bear market (defined by a decline of 20% from its all-time-high) as stocks had their worst first half…

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2021 Recap and 2022 Outlook

2021 Year End Markets and Strategies Update Having circled the sun one more time, we are reflecting on the markets and ESG in 2021 and looking ahead to what we can expect in 2022. COVID’s Continued Impact. In 2021, the global pandemic dominated economies for a second year and brought with it seemingly lasting changes…

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