Greg Wait on Person and Planet Podcast

Listen, as Riverwater’s head of Investment Advisory, Greg Wait, shares his perspectives on ESG (responsible investing) and data for positive social and environmental impacts and competitive returns on the podcast Person and Planet by Purevant Living. 3 reasons why you should listen to the full episode: Discover how sustainability is incorporated into investments. Learn how…

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Riverwater Partners | ESG | Responsible Investing | Wealth Management | Milwaukee

A Guide to Sustainable Investing

Greg Wait featured in Purevant Living’s Person & Planet Fall 2022 magazine. Sustainable investing has become a widely accepted approach to generating competitive investment returns while having a positive global impact on people and planet. According to the US SIF Foundation, $17.1 trillion are in sustainable investment strategies as of the beginning of 2020, a…

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Cindy Bohlen on Her CEO Journey Podcast

Listen as Riverwater’s Chief Mindfulness Officer, Cindy Bohlen, shares her journey into sustainable investing on the podcast Her CEO Journey: The Business Finance Podcast for Mission-Driven Women Entrepreneurs. 3 reasons why you should listen to the full episode: Discover how sustainability drives profitability. Learn how you can collaborate with your stakeholders to improve your sustainability.…

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ESG Will Endure Despite 2022 Performance

Advisor Perspectives. Sept. 5, 2022. By Connor Doak, CFA. Mahatma Gandhi once said, “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, and then you win.” The environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investment community is deep within the third stage. ESG investing has been subjected to brutal headlines, politically motivated attacks…

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