Riverwater Partners Named to PSN Top Guns List of Best Performing Strategies for Q1 2023

For Immediate Release. Quarterly PSN Top Guns List published by Zephyr identifies best-in-class separate accounts, managed accounts, and managed ETF strategies Milwaukee (May 23, 2023). Riverwater Partners has been named to the celebrated PSN Top Guns List of best performing separate accounts, managed accounts, and managed ETF strategies for Q1 2023.  Riverwater’s Sustainable Value Strategy…

In celebration of Earth Day 2023, Riverwater Partners is proud to present our fourth annual Sustainability Report: Responsible Investing through Sustainable Investing. The report highlights the role our Sustainable Investing framework plays in fulfilling our responsibility as a fiduciary.

Sustainability Report 2022

2022 Sustainability Report: Responsible Investing Through Sustainable Investing By Cindy Bohlen, CFA In honor of Earth Day 2023, Riverwater Partners is proud to present our fourth annual Sustainability Report: Responsible Investing through Sustainable Investing. The report highlights our Sustainable Investing framework’s role toward fulfilling our responsibility as a fiduciary. The Sustainability Report emphasizes the importance…

Riverwater Partners | ESG | Responsible Investing | Wealth Management | Milwaukee

Q1 2023 | Trust, Confidence and Deposits

Q1 2023 Market and Strategies Update The first quarter of 2023 saw a reversal of fortunes in the stock and bond markets, with solid gains across the board. While Nasdaq and growth stocks led the way, all major indices, including bonds, saw increases. However, the gains were not without some intra-quarter volatility, driven by textbook…

Riverwater Partners | ESG / Responsible Investing and Wealth Management in Milwaukee Wisconsin

Q4 2022 | Coal for Christmas

Q4 2022 Market and Strategies Update There is a saying in the financial markets that the Fed will raise rates until it breaks something. This seems especially relevant today when the entire global economy moves trillions of dollars on the words of one-man, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell. Coal for Christmas The S&P 500 was…

Greg Wait on Person and Planet Podcast

Listen, as Riverwater’s head of Investment Advisory, Greg Wait, shares his perspectives on ESG (responsible investing) and data for positive social and environmental impacts and competitive returns on the podcast Person and Planet by Purevant Living. 3 reasons why you should listen to the full episode: Discover how sustainability is incorporated into investments. Learn how…