Adam Peck mentioned in Barron’s

Riverwater’s CIO Adam Peck was quoted in Barron’s this month. Adam chatted with Barron’s reporter Daren Fonda about Gentherm, a holding in our SMID strategy. To Daren’s great introduction we’d add that Gentherm–a Michigan company that’s reinvented itself for the EV age–is a solid performer in our ESG evaluations. It’s always good to see sustainability reports coming from small caps–not to…

Riverwater ESG SMID Value Strategy Celebrates 5 Year Milestone

Research team looks ahead as Riverwater Partners’ SMID Value Strategy reaches five-year milestone Chief Investment Officer Adam Peck says industry’s lack of ESG focus in small-cap value is inconsistent with value-investing mindset  Milwaukee, October 13, 2021 – Riverwater Partners’ flagship ESG Small & Mid Cap (SMID) Value Strategy marked its five-year anniversary at the end…

TEST YOURSELF: How Would Your Company ESG?

As socially responsible or ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) advisors, Riverwater Partners understands that corporate social responsibility is a journey and not a destination. Individuals, businesses, and government entities all must continually adapt to new normals as the world changes. Climate change is a concept that first emerged, and then only in theory, roughly 50 years…

ESG investors struggle to find the right balance in doing good – and solar panels show why

Marketwatch. August 24, 2021 The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued a stark warning this month that human-led warming from burning of fossil fuels is causing climate change and removing carbon emissions will cause warming to cease. That makes transitioning to renewable energy like solar power even more urgent. However, reports that China forced Uyghurs to work…

Q2 2021

Q2 2021 Market Update Inflation is real. If you have experienced sticker shock this year purchasing food, renting cars, or simply getting your haircut, you are not alone. Used car prices are up over 34% in the last year and rental car rates are now commonly $150 to $400 per day depending on location, compared…