Q2 2022 | Grin and Bear It

Q2 2022 Market and Riverwater Strategies Update The volatility experienced in the first quarter of 2022 continued in the second quarter, with all major markets down for the first half of Q2 2022. The S&P 500 officially entered a bear market (defined by a decline of 20% from its all-time-high) as stocks had their worst first half…

Riverwater engages with SEC on climate rule

Riverwater Files Letter in Support of SEC Climate Rule

SEC Seeks Public Commentary on Climate Rule This spring the SEC voted to advance a set of proposed rules requiring climate disclosure statements for all SEC-registered companies. The rule would mandate public companies to disclose standardized information about their greenhouse gas pollution. Additonally, it would require companies be more transparent with investors about climate-related risks.…

2021 Sustainability Report: The Journey of Sustainable Investing

The Journey of Sustainable Investing Our 2021 Sustainability Report celebrates the journey of sustainable investing. The evolution of Sustainable Investing has been and will continue to be a journey. Sustainable Investing originally focused on excluding companies doing harm; today it also incorporates positive screening for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics that reveal companies doing…

Working Part-Time in Retirement

Working Part-Time in Retirement In today’s retiree landscape, many folks decide to phase into full retirement by working part-time.  It could be reducing the number of hours with your current employer, finding a “job of passion” or even becoming a consultant.  Before considering this transition, it’s smart to know about the financial and tax impact…

Sunrise and an oil rig

Q1 2022 | Fuel, the Fed and Fear

Q1 2022 Market and Strategies Update This year and Q1 2022 began with hopes that the pandemic would recede and that the global economy could begin the process of getting back to normality. Vladimir Putin had other ideas. Both stock and bond markets were down in the first quarter driven by the war in Europe…

Tax and coins

2022 Tax and Investment FAQs

Tax Time Frequently Asked Questions This time of year, we are asked a lot of tax-related questions.  As we close out the 2021 tax year, here are answers to our four most “Frequently Asked Questions.”   Why am I paying capital gains taxes when I didn't sell anything this year? Where did these gains come…

Somber man looking down road

Managing Sudden Wealth

Tips for Managing Sudden Wealth after Death Death of a loved one is always difficult. Sudden death is devastating and upending.  Many of us have either unfortunately experienced it or know someone who has been through it. The overwhelming emotional toll of loss is often magnified by the logistical wake of decisions and paperwork. Grieving…

ESG: A Riverwater Engagement Comes to Fruition

No more forced arbitration for allegations of sexual harassment or assault In 2019, Riverwater Partners initiated engagements with several of our portfolio companies regarding the use of mandatory arbitration for allegations of sexual harassment or assault. We consider this topic essential to good corporate governance—the “G” in “ESG.” Now, in a remarkable bipartisan effort, both…

Adirondack chair on a lake

Estate Planning for the Family Cottage

  by Jan S. Grimm, CFP®, Senior Wealth Advisor The past couple of years has taught us that life’s uncertainties can happen quickly, and often before we have had a chance to plan for them. While the idea of an estate plan may seem daunting, it’s always better to have a plan in place. A…