Riverwater Partners | Responsible Investing | Milwaukee | Small Cap Equity Strategies

Small Firm, Big Impact: Riverwater Partners Ranks #3 Globally in Brand Awareness

We’re proud to announce that Riverwater Partners rank third among emerging firms globally in the Nasdaq eVestment Q4 2024 Brand Awareness Rankings. This places us among the top asset management firms with under $2.5 billion in Assets Under Management (AUM). Understanding the Nasdaq eVestment Rankings Brand awareness in investment management means more than just being…

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Riverwater Partners | Responsible Investing | Milwaukee | Small Cap Equity Strategies | Sustainable Value

Consistent Performance Pays Off: Sustainable Value Strategy Recognized Across Multiple PSN Top Guns Categories

Milwaukee (Feb 27, 2024). Riverwater Partners’ Sustainable Value Strategy earned 6-stars and a Bull & Bear Master recognition on the celebrated PSN Top Guns List for Q4 2024 performance. The strategy outperformed peers across PSN’s Small-Mid Cap Universe, Mid-Cap Universe, and US Equity Socially Responsible Universe, placing it among the top performers in each category.…

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Image of shipping containers at a port

Navigating the Shifting Tariff Landscape

Strategy and Market Impact Analysis In recent months, tariffs have reemerged as a significant economic policy tool with potential implications for investors. At Riverwater, we’ve conducted a thorough analysis of the current landscape and its potential impact on our portfolios. Here’s our perspective on navigating these uncertain waters. Historical Context Matters Tariffs, while historically a…

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Riverwater Partners Featured as a Sustainable Small-Cap Manager

We are excited to announce that the Riverwater Small Cap Strategy has been featured in Emerging Manager Monthly. This recognition comes as part of a significant achievement: Maryland State Retirement and Pension System has included us in their $265.5 million domestic small-cap equity portfolio, with Riverwater Partners receiving a $61.5 million allocation. Acuitas Investments manages…

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Riverwater Partners | Responsible Investing | Milwaukee | Small Cap Equity Strategies

Sustainable Value Strategy Achieves Bull & Bear Master and 6-Star PSN Top Gun Award

Milwaukee (November 20, 2024). Riverwater Partners’ Sustainable Value Strategy has been awarded 6-stars and a Bull & Bear Master, according to the celebrated PSN Top Guns List of best performing separate accounts, managed accounts, and managed ETF strategies for Q3 2024.  Riverwater’s Sustainable Value Strategy was recognized for being among the top performers in PSN’s Small-Mid…

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Riverwater Partners | Responsible Investing | Milwaukee | Small Cap Equity Strategies

Celebrating Our B Corp Recertification: Riverwater’s Responsible Investing Journey Continues

At Riverwater Partners, we’re proud to announce our recent recertification as a Certified B Corp! This achievement marks another chapter in our mission to make the world a better place by growing wealth through sustainable investing. A Shared Vision for a Better World Riverwater became Milwaukee’s first registered B Corporation in 2018, and since then,…

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Riverwater Partners | Responsible Investing | Milwaukee | Small Cap Equity Strategies

Q3 2024 Small-Cap Market Update: Looking for Levis®

Small-cap stocks outperformed most major asset classes this quarter—such a rare event we can hardly remember the last time it happened! Interestingly, the majority of this performance occurred during a brief five-day trading window in early July, when small-caps surged 12%.  That spike is significant, because it highlights how far small-caps had fallen behind and …

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Riverwater Partners | Responsible Investing | Milwaukee | Small Cap Equity Strategies

Russell 2000 Sustainability Reporting: Where Do Small-Caps Stand?

As a boutique small-cap manager focused on responsible investing, we’ve seen firsthand the challenges small-cap companies face in publishing sustainability data. But, since our inception in 2016, the tide has been shifting. The rapid growth of small-cap companies reporting on sustainability is evident. Yet, a critical gap remains: there’s still a lack of transparency on…

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Riverwater Partners | ESG | Responsible Investing | Wealth Management | Milwaukee

Q1 2024 | Houston, The Eagle has Landed

Q1 2024 Market and Strategies Update Houston, the Eagle has Landed Nearly 55 years have passed since the historic Apollo 11 mission culminated with Neil Armstrong’s iconic declaration from the lunar surface: “Houston, Tranquility Base here…the Eagle has landed.” This momentous achievement teetered on the brink of failure as the lunar module, Eagle, initially bypassed…

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Riverwater Partners | ESG | Responsible Investing | Wealth Management | Milwaukee | Madison

Riverwater’s Competitive Advantage

Competitive Strategy “Competitive strategy is about being different. It means deliberately choosing a different set of activities to deliver a unique mix of value.” – Michael Porter At Riverwater Partners, we believe that incorporating a responsible investment lens enhances traditional value investing. This approach promotes resilience, captures inefficiencies, and improves return potential. As it relates…

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2023 Q4 Market Update image of man with briefcase racing in front of a clock

Q4 2023 | Better Late Than Never

Q4 2023 Market and Strategies Update 2023 Review The past year presented a series of challenges for the financial markets, yet it concluded on a note of resilience and growth. Throughout 2023, we witnessed a complex landscape, marked by a gridlocked Congress in January, a banking crisis in March, concerns over a government shutdown during…

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Riverwater Partners Attains Maturing Status within Green Masters Program

[MILWAUKEE, WI (Nov, 2023)] – Riverwater Partners Attains Maturing Status The Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council has recognized Riverwater Partners (“Riverwater”) at the Maturing level within its Green Masters Program®. Recognizing Wisconsin businesses that are prioritizing sustainability, the Green Masters Program® categorizes participants into four status levels that reflect the degree to which sustainability has been…

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Cindy Bohlen

Cindy Bohlen named Sustainable Leadership Champion

Cindy Bohlen Named Sustainable Leadership Champion Finalist for Wisconsin Sustainable Business Awards . Milwaukee (October 5, 2023). Riverwater Partners congratulates our Director of Responsible Investing and Chief Mindfulness Officer Cindy Bohlen for being named a finalist for the 2023 Sustainable Business Award from the Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council (WSBC). Cindy has been named a Sustainable…

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Q3 2023 | Rates, Rates, Rates

Q3 2023 Market and Strategies Update Rates, Rates, Rates Location, location, location – that’s a popular saying in the real estate world, emphasizing the significance of a prime location in determining a property’s maximum value. When it comes to valuing both stocks and bonds, interest rates take center stage as the most crucial factor. The…

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Riverwater Partners | ESG | Responsible Investing | Wealth Management | Milwaukee

Riverwater Partners Appoints Tito Pombra as Chief Compliance Officer

For Immediate Release. Riverwater Partners Appoints Tito Pombra as Chief Compliance Officer Milwaukee (October 3, 2023). Riverwater Partners, a Milwaukee-based investment advisory firm dedicated to responsible investing, announced it has appointed Tito Pombra as its Chief Compliance Officer (CCO). Pombra, who is the founder and president of Adviser Compliance Consulting (ACC), brings extensive experience in…

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Cindy Bohlen

Cindy Bohlen named Notable Leader in Sustainability

Cindy Bohlen Named Notable Leader in Sustainability by BizTimes. Milwaukee (September, 13 2023). Riverwater Partners congratulates our Director of Responsible Investing and Chief Mindfulness Officer Cindy Bohlen for being named to the inaugural BizTimes Media Notable Leaders in Sustainability list. Cindy Bohlen is the driving force for sustainability and responsibility at Riverwater Partners, leading our…

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Riverwater Partners | ESG | Responsible Investing | Wealth Management | Milwaukee

Riverwater Partners Named to PSN Top Guns List of Best Performing Strategies for Q2 2023

For Immediate Release. Quarterly PSN Top Guns List published by Zephyr identifies best-in-class separate accounts, managed accounts, and managed ETF strategies Milwaukee (August 24, 2023). Riverwater Partners has been named to the celebrated PSN Top Guns List of best performing separate accounts, managed accounts, and managed ETF strategies for Q2 2023.  Riverwater’s Sustainable Value Strategy…

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Riverwater Partners | ESG | Responsible Investing | Wealth Management | Milwaukee

Q2 2023 | Artificial Exuberance

Q2 2023 Market and Strategies Update Macro Economic Update The second quarter of 2023 saw continued gains for equity markets driven by a pause in interest rate increases and stabilization in the banking industry. Bonds were down slightly in the quarter but still have positive returns year-to-date after their drubbing in 2022.   Inflation continued its…

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Riverwater Partners | ESG | Responsible Investing | Wealth Management | Milwaukee

Engagement Efforts Move ESG Needles

Riverwater 2022 Engagement Efforts By Cindy Bohlen, CFA Engagement is the second pillar of Riverwater’s Three-Pillar Approach to Sustainable Investing. As active investors, we seek cooperative engagement with company leadership and board members about improving their sustainability efforts. It is not a one sized fits all approach. Each engagement is unique and encourages each company…

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Riverwater Partners Named to PSN Top Guns List of Best Performing Strategies for Q1 2023

For Immediate Release. Quarterly PSN Top Guns List published by Zephyr identifies best-in-class separate accounts, managed accounts, and managed ETF strategies Milwaukee (May 23, 2023). Riverwater Partners has been named to the celebrated PSN Top Guns List of best performing separate accounts, managed accounts, and managed ETF strategies for Q1 2023.  Riverwater’s Sustainable Value Strategy…

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In celebration of Earth Day 2023, Riverwater Partners is proud to present our fourth annual Sustainability Report: Responsible Investing through Sustainable Investing. The report highlights the role our Sustainable Investing framework plays in fulfilling our responsibility as a fiduciary.

Sustainability Report 2022

2022 Sustainability Report: Responsible Investing Through Sustainable Investing By Cindy Bohlen, CFA In honor of Earth Day 2023, Riverwater Partners is proud to present our fourth annual Sustainability Report: Responsible Investing through Sustainable Investing. The report highlights our Sustainable Investing framework’s role toward fulfilling our responsibility as a fiduciary. The Sustainability Report emphasizes the importance…

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Riverwater Partners | ESG / Responsible Investing and Wealth Management in Milwaukee Wisconsin

Q4 2022 | Coal for Christmas

Q4 2022 Market and Strategies Update There is a saying in the financial markets that the Fed will raise rates until it breaks something. This seems especially relevant today when the entire global economy moves trillions of dollars on the words of one-man, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell. Coal for Christmas The S&P 500 was…

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Cindy Bohlen on Her CEO Journey Podcast

Listen as Riverwater’s Chief Mindfulness Officer, Cindy Bohlen, shares her journey into sustainable investing on the podcast Her CEO Journey: The Business Finance Podcast for Mission-Driven Women Entrepreneurs. 3 reasons why you should listen to the full episode: Discover how sustainability drives profitability. Learn how you can collaborate with your stakeholders to improve your sustainability.…

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People, Planet, Profit: Careers in Corporate Sustainability

Cindy Bohlen, Riverwater’s resident ESG expert, spoke with students at the business school and in sustainability programs at the University of Wisconsin – Madison.  UW-Madison Office of Sustainability. In case you missed it: “People, Planet, Profit: Careers in Corporate Sustainability.” Sept. 23, 2023. On Tuesday, September 13th, the Wisconsin School of Business and the Nelson…

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The Evolving Use of CIT Funds in 401(k) Plans

The Evolving Use of Collective Investment Trust Funds in 401(k) Plans By Greg Wait, CEBS. Originally posted in 401(k) Wire (subscription required) Aug. 22, 2022. Advisors and consultants are fielding questions from plan sponsors about potential liability for excessive fees. For example, recently a plan sponsor’s CFO told us their fiduciary insurance carrier included a…

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Q2 2022 | Grin and Bear It

Q2 2022 Market and Riverwater Strategies Update The volatility experienced in the first quarter of 2022 continued in the second quarter, with all major markets down for the first half of Q2 2022. The S&P 500 officially entered a bear market (defined by a decline of 20% from its all-time-high) as stocks had their worst first half…

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Riverwater engages with SEC on climate rule

Riverwater Files Letter in Support of SEC Climate Rule

SEC Seeks Public Commentary on Climate Rule This spring the SEC voted to advance a set of proposed rules requiring climate disclosure statements for all SEC-registered companies. The rule would mandate public companies to disclose standardized information about their greenhouse gas pollution. Additonally, it would require companies be more transparent with investors about climate-related risks.…

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2021 Sustainability Report: The Journey of Sustainable Investing

The Journey of Sustainable Investing Our 2021 Sustainability Report celebrates the journey of sustainable investing. The evolution of Sustainable Investing has been and will continue to be a journey. Sustainable Investing originally focused on excluding companies doing harm; today it also incorporates positive screening for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics that reveal companies doing…

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ESG: A Riverwater Engagement Comes to Fruition

No more forced arbitration for allegations of sexual harassment or assault In 2019, Riverwater Partners initiated engagements with several of our portfolio companies regarding the use of mandatory arbitration for allegations of sexual harassment or assault. We consider this topic essential to good corporate governance—the “G” in “ESG.” Now, in a remarkable bipartisan effort, both…

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2021 Recap and 2022 Outlook

2021 Year End Markets and Strategies Update Having circled the sun one more time, we are reflecting on the markets and ESG in 2021 and looking ahead to what we can expect in 2022. COVID’s Continued Impact. In 2021, the global pandemic dominated economies for a second year and brought with it seemingly lasting changes…

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Adam Peck mentioned in Barron’s

Riverwater’s CIO Adam Peck was quoted in Barron’s this month. Adam chatted with Barron’s reporter Daren Fonda about Gentherm, a holding in our SMID strategy. To Daren’s great introduction we’d add that Gentherm–a Michigan company that’s reinvented itself for the EV age–is a solid performer in our ESG evaluations. It’s always good to see sustainability reports coming from small caps–not to…

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Riverwater ESG SMID Value Strategy Celebrates 5 Year Milestone

Research team looks ahead as Riverwater Partners’ SMID Value Strategy reaches five-year milestone Chief Investment Officer Adam Peck says industry’s lack of ESG focus in small-cap value is inconsistent with value-investing mindset  Milwaukee, October 13, 2021 – Riverwater Partners’ flagship ESG Small & Mid Cap (SMID) Value Strategy marked its five-year anniversary at the end…

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Nestle Palm Oil Interactive Image

TEST YOURSELF: How Would Your Company ESG?

As socially responsible or ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) advisors, Riverwater Partners understands that corporate social responsibility is a journey and not a destination. Individuals, businesses, and government entities all must continually adapt to new normals as the world changes. Climate change is a concept that first emerged, and then only in theory, roughly 50 years…

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ESG investors struggle to find the right balance in doing good – and solar panels show why

Marketwatch. August 24, 2021 The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued a stark warning this month that human-led warming from burning of fossil fuels is causing climate change and removing carbon emissions will cause warming to cease. That makes transitioning to renewable energy like solar power even more urgent. However, reports that China forced Uyghurs to work…

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Q2 2021

Q2 2021 Market Update Inflation is real. If you have experienced sticker shock this year purchasing food, renting cars, or simply getting your haircut, you are not alone. Used car prices are up over 34% in the last year and rental car rates are now commonly $150 to $400 per day depending on location, compared…

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Q1 2021

Q1 2021 Market Update The first quarter of 2021 saw individual investors participate in the market at levels not seen in over 20 years. Their collective buying helped propel equity markets to new highs. It’s important to remember that markets are auction markets, with fixed supply. Therefore, when there are more buyers than sellers, prices…

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Sustainable agriculture is the next way ESG investors can fight climate change

Marketwatch. March 24, 2021. By Debbie Carlson 7 ways for ESG investors to profit from sustainable agriculture The original green sector — agriculture — hasn’t been on the radar for environmental, social and governance investors, given industrial agriculture’s heavy dependence on pesticides, fertilizers and genetically modified seeds. But ESG investors are turning their interest to…

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ESG: Growth Is Welcome, But What Drives Actual Change?

WealthManagement.com, March 11, 2021 By Cindy Bohlen Encouraging news arrived late last year about the fast growth of investments managed with attention to environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors. Seventeen trillion was the headline dollar figure in the latest biannual report from trade association US SIF, which tracks the responsible investing industry. Seventeen trillion represents…

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Sustainable Investment Recommendations for the Biden Administration

In the wake of last month’s inauguration, we have reason to be optimistic that the incoming administration will enact positive environmental, social and governance measures. And we are already seeing movement in this regard. Riverwater was founded with the mission to make the world a better place by growing wealth through sustainable investing. Guided by…

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Malkiel’s Misguided View of ESG Investing

Advisor Perspectives, February 1, 2021 Burton Malkiel, esteemed author of the classic investing book A Random Walk Down Wall Street is one of the more prominent critics of environmental-, sustainable- and governance-based (ESG) investing. He called ESG investing a “self-defeating” strategy in a recent Wall Street Journal column. But Malkiel and other detractors who claim ESG is a fad…

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Do Sustainable Companies Perform Better

Debunking the ESG Financial Performance Myth

Riverwater Partners believes that sustainable companies perform better. Our highly integrative process can enable our clients to invest according to their values while also opening up the possibility of not only no performance disadvantage but, as is our goal over the long term, a performance advantage. For many years, the primary approach taken by “responsible”…

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Q3 2020 Survival of the Fittest

Survival of the Fittest The market rally that began in March continues its historic run. In stark contrast with what is happening on Main Street, Wall Street has performed exceptionally well, with the S&P 500 posting its best two consecutive quarters in the last 20 years! That incredible performance has not been uniform across all…

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Proxy Voting and Shareholder Rights

We recently wrote to the U.S. Department of Labor regarding the rights of shareholders and their ability to proxy vote. You can read what was sent below: — Attention: Proxy Voting and Shareholder Rights NPRM Office of Regulations and Interpretations Employee Benefits Security Administration Room N-5655 U.S. Department of Labor 200 Constitution Avenue NW Washington,…

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Active ownership and ESG

What is Active Ownership?

At Riverwater, our work as “active owners” is intended to help bring to bear our clients’ values. In this way, active ownership is a natural extension of our efforts to make investment selections consistent with those values. At times, active ownership can also be a natural extension of our efforts to achieve a strong return…

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Q2 2020 The “New” New Normal

THE “NEW” NEW NORMAL  There are many superlatives to choose from to describe last quarter’s rally. This winter saw the quickest pivot to a bear market in history, followed by an equally rapid rebound in the spring. In fact, we just experienced the strongest 100-day rally since 1933.[1] After the market bottomed on March 23rd,…

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Q2 2018 Tariffs and World Cup Football

Tariffs and World Cup Football The second quarter equity markets were dominated by headlines surrounding the Trump administration’s proposed tariffs. The tariff talk subsequently turned into action with new tariffs enacted by the US, China, Mexico, Canada, the European Union, India and Turkey. The net effect on US GDP is, at worst, estimated to be…

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Q1 2018 Defensive Investing

The first quarter could very well turn out to be a memorable inflection point in this 10-year bull market. The broad indices ended their nine-quarter streak of positive returns, volatility returned with markets moving up or down with much greater magnitude, and the bull market leaders Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix and Google are not looking…

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